

about me

Do we really have three careers? I am not sure which one I am on now. A thread runs throughout. Words, colours, punctuation, space, and sequence. Advocacy. Giving a voice to those without. Laughter. And hope. 

I was a journalist for many years - CNBC, the Far Eastern Economic Review, Voice of America, the Jakarta Post. I contributed to many publications on several continents and worked on many short-form and long-form television productions, including for Channel 4 News UK, the BBC, ABC Australia, and NOS in the Netherlands. I can’t even remember the names of some of the documentaries or books that I worked on. Mostly I remember the fun and the friendships forged.

This blog includes hyperlinks to my published work as well as essays and commentary on the intricacies of daily life. Writings are organized under the categories Articles (for past publications), Reflections (for more current commentary), Photography, and Travelogue (for musings while spending exotic currencies). Many of the articles I wrote and my TV reporting are not available online. Such is the fate of people who had entire careers before the internet.

My teenage dreams of being an artist inform my love of photography, including Instagram (guilty). I used to spend days in dark rooms … editing video. I miss the light captured by Betacam.

The last decade has been spent on planes, trains, and automobiles, trying to make sense of economic development and organizational flux. I spent many happy years at the World Bank (career #2 or #3?) and cherish my idealist friends and colleagues who are there for the right reasons. I continue to explore other venues for multilateralism.

In between, there were forays into academia, publishing, consultancy, and, um, writing big speeches for famous politicians.

So, my mantra: politics, music, and potato chips. My bio: an armchair critic, a sofa dreamer, and Mom.